Commercial Building
Project Details: The project covered the construction of 3 buildings. The new construction consisted of Block 1 Residential, Block 2 Residential and Block 3 Offices. The buildings sit alongside the new Museum of Liverpool and the 3 graces.
Block 1 & 2 have a standalone BMS which monitors all landlord systems including MCW, ventilation, smoke clearance and car park ventilation.
Block 3 has a dedicated BMS to control all aspects of the HVAC services. The primary plant consists of LPHW, Air Handling Units and dirty extract fans. All floors are provided with VRF systems along with demand based controls.
Project Technical Details: We worked closely with the client to develop a design which uses a flexible approach whilst maintaining a central landlord system. Various demand based controls including CO2, pressure and occupancy detection are provided along with local user overrides controls using efficient methods to keep energy use to a minimum while meeting the client requirements.
VRF optimisation per floor with local overrides are provided all via the BEMS to ensure the building is operating as efficiently as possible whilst providing stable environmental conditions within the tenant areas.
The ventilation is zoned on a floor by floor basis as well as a zone by zone basis. This means ventilation is only provided to the area whilst occupied. The AHU pressure sensors ensure the fans are backed off to meet the reduced demand from the building. Individual offices are provided with motorised dampers and PIR detectors to ensure the air and VRF units are only in use when occupied.
Over 50 sub-meters are monitored at the Trend 963 head-end. Impact have worked collaboratively with the project team to develop an energy metering strategy which brings back the buildings energy meters to a central position allowing the user to easily analyse half hourly data in a way to identify potential energy savings.
Project Outcome: Impact have provided a flexible approach to the BMS to aid the client to adapt the system to suit any future tenant fit out. Each floor is provided with a zone panel with flexible IO to enable the changes to be seamlessly integrated without affecting the central plant.
Cost and maintenance of the controls system is helped by the distributed controls design. Each area controlled has a networked local Trend controller. This ensures that all sensors, valves, switches and outputs are wired locally keeping down costs while fault finding and maintenance is kept to a local area with reduced time. Impact provided layout documentation giving the user easy understanding as to where each of the controls equipment is wired to/from.
The graphics have been split into two definitive sections. There is a section for ease of use for non-engineers to follow a building layout to identify areas of interest viewing temperatures and status whilst other areas of the graphics allow the engineer to drill down to the more technical pipework valve layouts to interrogate the system. Commissioned values have been added to the graphics to inform the client of the setting to which the system was designed to operate at.